Wednesday, August 31, 2011

robots 2

two were chosen in class that we would have to enlarge and these are the two that i have done.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

final perspective drawing

This piece is 11 x 14 done in ink from a ball point pen. No pencil was used!!!!! a point was placed in the drawing to help with the angles and this is how it turned out :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

art in working progress

These are two projects that I have started. One is a lamp shade that I'm painting. The idea is from a book I read and I thought It would be cool to put an illustration from the book onto a lamp shade. The next piece is a mural that I have been working on for a couple of months now. Slowly but surely I'm hoping to cover the entire wall  with anything that comes to mind. My mom is hoping I finish to because she came home one day and saw what I had done and all she could say was, " Now how am I suppose to take this with me when I move out of this house?" She thinks it's hilarious when i use different surfaces to do my artwork on instead of the normal way :)

perspective drawings of my house

This was another perspective drawing project the we did were you first start out with doing small thumbnail sketches of your house then once you have done a good amount then you chose the best one and make a detailed drawing of it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Awesome lookin apples

This process is done with rubbing alcohol. You do layer upon layer of graphite with a combination of the alcohol which gives you this cool realistic look.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Sniffles :(

So the sniffles have decided to attack me!!!!!! my nose feels like its falling off, my body is achy and i dont want to get out of bed :(  once I feel better I will have more stuff posted.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pictures of Wrightsville Part 2

Here are the photos that I took while I was there.

Shirts for The Scott Family Reunion

Here are the shirts that my cousin and I made for our family. I had made stencils from paper then spray painted the designs onto the shirts. Then, my cousin sewed on fabric around the neck to give it the look of a skirt and used different colored ribbon to go with the shoes that are spray painted on the shirts. We are actually thinking of coming up with our own design of clothing. I do shirts for my friends band also and will be posting soon some photos of the designs and I'm also hoping to have some photos up of clothing designs that me and my cousin create.

Projects for class

For class I had to do point perspective 1, 2 and 3. It was actually quite interesting to do because I had never really worked with perspective before. My mom found it confusing and just told me that as long as I could do it she wasn't going to worry about figuring it out for herself.

1,2, and 3 point perspective for my background and character design class


well, today I am meeting up with my grandparents! I'm so excited, I don't see them often so whenever we have the chance for a visit we take it. they have been there and supported me through everything for school and art. I owe them a lot :) Also my computer has finally been fixed so I should be posting some images soon of art for class and whatever I do in my spare time :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


well it seems that no matter what I do my computer just doesn't want to work. This is the second time I have had to get a virus taken off. other then that I have been sketching some new character ideas for some stories I'm writing. a friend of my aunts is interested in investing in my work and she wants me to try and finish my first story by the end of this year. I'm also hoping to get a spot at an art festival to sell my art work. the date for when it starts is not final but hopefully everything will turn out good :) i'm also hoping that once my computer is back to working order I can post some photos of my work.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

pictures of wrightsville

I had gone to a funeral early this week and while I was there I spotted a house that had been burnt down. It caught my interest so I decided to take some photos. There were toys scattered and only half of the house was left. You could still make out the two fireplaces that the house has. After I had taken pictures I walked a little further down the road and came to some houses that no one had lived in for quiet some time so I took some photos of that as well. I glad I was able to feel a little artistic while I was gone. Its hard to be inspired when your here for something so sad.